
Legal information

1. Owner

Fam. Otto & Monika Wechner


2. Address

A-6622 Berwang
Berwang Nr. 105


3. Contact

Phone & Fax: +43 / 5674 / 8264
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


4. Notice of liability

Despite carefully review of the content we do not take any liability for the content and external links. The content of external web sites is in the responsibility of the owner of the web site.

Liability claims which concern material damage or ideational damage resulting from the use or not use of this web site and its offers are excluded. Even if the information on this web site is wrong or incomplete. All offers are without engagement and non-committal.

The owner of the web site may change, add or remove offers or the content without any announcement. The web site may also be out of order or closed.


5. Protection of your data

Your data sent to use will only be used for the purpose of Haus Wechner. The data will not be given to third parties.


6. Copyrights

The conent of this page is copyrighted material. Nearly all content, text and pictures are property of Haus Wechner A-6622 Berwang Nr. 105. All rights reserved. It is forbidden to use the content of this web site on other web sites or show it through other media.


7. Brands, patent, petty patent or trade mark

Existing brands, patents, petty patent and trade mark are only partially hallmarked. Even without this hallmarking it can not be assumed that the names or brands are free and can be used by everybody. The naming of producers, products, procedures or similar works is just for example. There is no positive or negative value judgement associated.


8. Correctness of content

Despite carefully review of the content errors can not be excluded. All information without engagement. If you find errors on this page please tell us with an E-Mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. about it. Thanks!


9. Court of jurisdiction

District court Reutte / Tirol / Austria

All rights reserved © 2025 - Design and implementation: Rene Wechner - powered by Joomla!
Haus Wechner A-6622 Berwang Nr. 105 - Phone & fax +43 / 5674 8264 - http://www.berwang-wechner.com - info@berwang-wechner.com